We’ve all heard of the book, “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus,” which explains some of the main psychological differences between these two genders. But did you know that these differences extend into dentistry? It’s true! Just ask your dentist in Erdenheim. Since men are more likely to… Read More…
There are a lot of differences between men and women, especially when it comes to healthcare needs. Dental health is no exception. During this year’s National Women’s Health Week, your dentist in Erdenheim is here to share some key information about the importance of dental care throughout various stages of… Read More…
New Year’s Resolutions are made each and every January and can range from committing to eating healthier to training to run your first marathon and anything in between. But all resolutions typically have the same underlying notion — to get healthier. This year is no different, and we may actually… Read More…
If you’ve ever experienced dry mouth, you know just how uncomfortable and frustrating it can be. Even drinking glass after glass of water doesn’t seem to help relieve it. Dry mouth is an incredibly common ailment that all of us experience once in a while, but if you have a… Read More…
There’s something comforting about getting outside and soaking up the summer sun. After all, it’s warm, it helps improve our mood, and, as your dentist in Erdenheim knows, it can also help protect our teeth. It’s true. The overall and oral health benefits of getting out into the sun every… Read More…
Oral piercings, including lip and tongue piercings, are nothing new. In fact, they have actually been around since the Mayans. However, this form of self-expression doesn’t come without its risks. If you’re considering getting your lip or tongue pierced, read this information from your dentist in Erdenheim before you go… Read More…
Oral piercings, including lip and tongue piercings, are nothing new. In fact, they have actually been around since the Mayans. However, this form of self-expression doesn’t come without its risks. If you’re considering getting your lip or tongue pierced, read this information from your dentist in Erdenheim before you go… Read More…
According to the CDC, 1 in 13 Americans has asthma. That’s nearly 25 million Americans who have this chronic disease that affects the respiratory system, resulting in difficulty breathing, wheezing, and chest pain. The most common treatment to combat the symptoms of asthma is the use of an inhaler. However,… Read More…
Everyone knows that your bi-annual visits to the dentist help get your teeth squeaky clean. After all, they’re called hygiene visits for a reason. But your dentist in Erdenheim believes that these twice-a-year appointments are more important than the cleaning alone. In fact, your bi-annual dental appointments do so much… Read More…
National Nutrition Month, which is celebrated every March, strives to help Americans better understand how eating right can help keep them healthy. While it’s certainly true that what we eat affects our overall health, your dentist in Erdenheim wants you to know that our food choices also play a key… Read More…